A TSTC branded shovel sits in dirt with a white hard hat resting on top of it.

The Future of Texas' Technical College

Growth, Upcoming Expansions and Improvements

The G R E A T Expansion

Thanks to the support from the Texas Legislature and the generosity of our donors and partners, TSTC is expanding and making improvements like never before. These investments will help boost our capacity and broaden program offerings to cater to the ever-evolving needs of Texas industry.

The WorkSITE

Waco, Texas

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The WorkSITE in Waco provides the opportunity to gain skills with Central Texas’ top industry employers. With hands-on short-term training, we’re here to help the people Waco thrive in a great-paying career.

State-of-the-Art Labs

Rosenberg, Texas

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This state-of-the-art building will provide lab space in Fort Bend. These labs will allow Diesel Equipment Technology, Automotive Technology, and Auto Collision Technology programs to expand, serving even MORE students.

The Heart of the Valley

Harlingen, Texas

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The new Electrical Lineworker Technology building is making space for the Electrical Lineworker program to move into it’s own lab. This move grants more space to Automotive and Diesel Equipment Technologies.

Diesel Technology Academic Building

Marshall, Texas

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The brand new Diesel Technology Academic Building will be 21,720 square feet of dedicated Diesel space! This construction allows us to expand the Diesel Equipment Technology program for a robust diesel mechanic workforce in Texas.

Massive two-story expansion

Waco, Texas

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The new 127,000 square feet of construction in Waco will support Building Construction, HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical Construction and Solar Energy Technologies with two stories of lab space.

Only the best for West Texas

Abilene, Texas

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The construction on Abilene campus will impact the Diesel Equipment Technology, Electrical Lineworker Technology, HVAC Technology, and Plumbing Technology programs with all new lab space.

Welcome Center

Waco, Texas

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TSTC’s new Welcome Center in Waco will differentiate TSTC from the moment a visitor walks through the door by engaging visitors with an immersive walk-through experience. The Welcome Center will showcase TSTC’s commitment to technology, training, industry relations and customer experience.

Building Renovations

Waco, Texas
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The U.S. Economic Development Administration awarded TSTC a $3.5 million grant for the renovation of the Electrical Electronics Center and the Techcnial Studies Center. The buildings will be revamped to house five programs: Biomedical Equipment Technology, Electrical Power and Controls, Instrumentation Technology, Occupational Safety and Environmental Compliance, and Robotics and Industrial Controls Technology.


Seguin, Texas

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The initial phase of the Comal/Guadalupe County campus will focus on instructional programs in key high-demand fields, which may include:
• Advanced Manufacturing
• Construction (HVAC, Plumbing, Welding)
• Transportation
• Digital Information / Cybersecurity
• Healthcare and more

The Campus of the Future

Ellis County, Texas

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TSTC in Ellis County will be a game-changer for the region’s workforce and economy. With booming industries like manufacturing, IT, and transportation, TSTC will provide specialized training to meet soaring demand. With a regional projected population growth rate of over 50% by 2050, TSTC will power growth by supplying the skilled workforce needed to sustain it.

Construction Status

Stay tuned with the latest

This Is Groundbreaking!

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