College professor in front of class

Thinking ahead?

Earn your degree from TSTC, then transfer to one of our educational partners to further your education with a four-year degree. Interested in transferring? Talk to your enrollment coach to get started.

Proud educational partners of TSTC

We have partnered with some of Texas’ best educational institutions to help you make a smooth transition. Take a look and see if your coursework transfers.

Bellevue University

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Bellevue University prefers that transfer students obtain an Associate’s Degree, or approximately 60 credit hours, prior to transfer.  All applicants not meeting these standards will be referred to TSTC for additional coursework whenever possible.  Both institutions will work together to mutually support the needs of their students, and the respective partner institutions. 

This agreement is a general articulation agreement, allowing a smooth transition for students transferring between institutions and maximizes allowable transfer of credit. 

Click here for more information on Bellevue University

Howard Payne University

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TSTC and HPU enter into this Agreement in the spirit of cooperation and mutually recognize each other as quality Institutions of higher learning. This Agreement facilitates the transfer of credit from TSTC to HPU for admissions eligibility for the Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS) degree.

Courses from TSTC earned with a letter grade of “C” or better will be considered for the BAAS degree at HPU. All courses earned at TSTC will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis to ensure that maximum credit can be applied to the BAAS earned at HPU.

Click here for more information on Howard Payne University

Lamar University

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This Agreement formally recognizes that both Institutions are active educational partners, committed to providing greater educational opportunities and services for students transferring between Institutions. Student benefits include: scholarships, joint admissions, and Honors College. 

TSTC’s partnership with Lamar University will also permit eligible and interested students to transfer certain course work from LU to TSTC to complete requirements for the associate degree issued by TSTC. This process is called reverse transfer or reverse articulation.

Click here for more information on Lamar University

Stephen F. Austin State University

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This agreement helps to ensure that TSTC students can transfer completed courses to Stephen F. Austin (SFA) without any loss of credit or recognition of approved courses applied toward the Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS) degree. This partnership also helps to ensure that SFA students can transfer completed coursework to TSTC, where applicable. 


Click here for more information on Stephen F. Austin State University

Tarleton State University
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Tarleton State University (TSU) and TSTC have partnered in an articulation agreement that will benefit students greatly through the Distinguished College Partners. The goal of this agreement is to create additional educational opportunities for high achieving TSTC graduates. TSU agrees to accept up to 84 transfer credit hours (varies by degree/student).  Students that demonstrate financial need may apply for the admission application fee waiver.
TSTC graduates may apply for Tarleton’s President’s Guaranteed Scholarship Program (PGSP) which if qualified and attending TSU will receive an award guarantee based on the enrollment hours. PGSP eligibility criteria and award levels are available on the linked site.

Also, transfer students with an AAS degree may qualify for the Career Enrichment Scholarship designed to add more tuition savings when enrolled at Tarleton State University.

Contact Tarleton State University regarding prior TSTC awards that may transfer: Tarleton transfer page.

Texas A&M University Central Texas

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This agreement formalizes Texas A&M University – Central Texas (TAMUCT) commitment to accept from TSTC the general education requirements and lower-level aviation courses needed for the BS in Aviation Science degree in an effort to provide a seamless transition from TSTC to TAMUCT.

The following TSTC programs are covered by this agreement:

Click here for more information on TAMU – Central Texas Aviation Sciences

Texas Tech University

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The purpose of this agreement is to prepare a seamless transition from TSTC to Texas Tech University for the completion of a baccalaureate degree.  

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

This agreement supports an upward articulation agreement from TSTC Nursing students who are interested in obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing. 

Click here for more information on Texas Tech University Nursing

University of Houston-Victoria

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This partnership includes a joint admission program, as well as helps to ensure that TSTC students can transfer completed courses to University of Houston – Victoria and vise versa.  The Joint Admission Program enables students to identify themselves as a student of both institutions prior to a change in physical campus location. 

Click here for more information on University of Houston – Victoria

The University of Texas at Dallas Pre-admissions Comet Connection Program

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TSTC students, who meet The University of Texas at Dallas admission requirements or complete an Associate of Applied Science degree, with at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA, will receive automatic admission to UTD. 

(Available through July 29, 2025)

Click here for more information on UT Dallas

The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

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Students who have successfully completed the TSTC Core curriculum will have also satisfied the core curriculum at UTRGV.  A student will receive academic credit for each of the courses transferred and will not be required to take additional courses at UTRGV to meet its Texas Core Curriculum requirements.  Any core credits earned at TSTC will transfer to UTRGV.  In addition, TSTC students who have successfully completed 24 semester credit hours and have a minimum of a 2.0 grade-point average, or who have earned an academic associate degree, will be automatically accepted to UTRGV upon application. 

(Available through August 16, 2025)

Click here for more information on UTRGV

The University of Texas at Tyler

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In an effort to maximize the resources available through UT Tyler and TSTC, this agreement is intended to create a seamless transfer process, support concurrent enrollment when appropriate, and assist students in completing their educational objectives. 


Click here for more information on UT Tyler

Wayland Baptist University

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The purpose of this agreement is to enable TSTC students who transfer to Wayland Baptist University to carry with them the credit they have already earned for as much relevant study as possible.  The agreement provides a seamless transfer for students as they seek to continue their education and is applicable to the entire WBU system.  

Click here for more information on Wayland Baptist University

Western Governors University


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Western Governors University and Texas State Technical College have partnered to expand your education through a variety of program pathways. These pathways align with the competency-based curriculum that WGU offers to provide the most transferrable credits possible from your AAS or AS degree.

WGU offers the WGU Community College Partner Scholarship to TSTC alumni, if applicable.  TSTC alumni also receive a waiver for the application fee.


Visit the Transfer Pathways if interested.

Click here for more information on Western Governors University

Request Your TSTC Transcript

Option 1

If you graduated after 1991, you can request an electronic transcript through the National Student Clearinghouse. Additional fees may apply.

Option 2

Stop by a TSTC campus near you to request a free transcript.

Option 3

Submit a completed transcript request form to
Personal signature required; no e-signatures accepted.

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