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Waco Aircraft Pilot Training Technology Brandon Jaco

(WACO, Texas) – Brandon Jaco’s father gave him the ultimate gift for his 14th birthday.

Jaco, then living in Austin with his family, received the opportunity to take a discovery flight.

“It was amazing,” he said. “It was a ton of fun. I was with a very knowledgeable instructor.”

That flight, along with a passion for travel, led Jaco to Texas State Technical College’s Waco campus. He walked across the stage at TSTC’s Summer 2024 Commencement, but he is finishing work this semester to complete an Associate of Applied Science degree in Aircraft Pilot Training Technology.

Jaco recently received a $1,500 scholarship from the Heart of Texas Miniature Aircraft Club in Waco.

“It will help tremendously with paying for a check ride for a certified flight instructor (certification) and the remainder of my training,” he said.

Corey Streza, the club’s public relations officer, said members are committed to give a scholarship to a student in the pilot training program every year with the backing of The TSTC Foundation.

“Most of our club members recognize the need for technical higher education institutions and its overall effect on our community, state and nation in an increasingly globally competitive world,” he said. “Our club members come from a variety of different backgrounds, including much more than aerospace.”

Jaco was born in Galveston and also grew up in Lake Jackson. He is a graduate of Brazoswood High School in Clute. Growing up, he traveled playing baseball throughout the United States and vacationing with relatives in Europe and Mexico.

Jaco began classes in 2021 at TSTC. He took classes for two semesters in the Avionics Technology program before moving into the Aircraft Pilot Training Technology program in summer 2022. He is also a member of TSTC’s Lonestars flight team.

Jaco said his first semester in the pilot training program was eventful, but in a good way. He said he quickly took to the program’s structure as a lot of new information came at him at once.

“Being able to fly and having the airport on campus has been a huge plus,” he said.

Hunter Anderson, chief instructor in TSTC’s Aircraft Pilot Training Technology program, said Jaco quickly established himself as a leader among his classmates.

“His ability to quickly grasp the information taught to him made him one of the students who others would go to for advice and tutoring,” Anderson said. “His willingness to work hard to reach his goal of becoming a professional pilot is inspiring, and it has been a pleasure to watch him succeed in our program.”

Jaco has already flown in some of the program’s new Piper Pilot 100i airplanes the Aircraft Pilot Training Technology program received in November 2023.

“They are awesome and amazing to fly in,” he said. “They are helpful in not getting lost with the traffic and navigation information. They are easy to control and learn on.”

Jaco said he wants to work at TSTC as a certified flight instructor after graduation.

“I love the TSTC airport and the structure, and the people that work here,” he said.

Someday Jaco wants to fly for a major airline.

For more information on the Heart of Texas Miniature Aircraft Club, go to hotmac.wildapricot.org.

For more information on TSTC, go to tstc.edu


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