Waco Plumbing and Pipefitting Technology

(WACO, Texas) – More than 60 students at Texas State Technical College’s Waco campus are getting ready to compete at the SkillsUSA Texas Leadership and Skills Conference scheduled for April 2-5 in Corpus Christi.

“SkillsUSA is a great way for our students to showcase their talent, education and professionalism,” said Abby Ford, a SkillsUSA coordinator for the Waco campus. “Our instructors are first-rate and spend countless hours outside of the classroom preparing our students for their specific events. This year we hope to continue the winning tradition at the state conference and then prepare for nationals.”

SkillsUSA is a professional organization focused on employability, leadership and technical skills that help college students pursue successful careers and be part of a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA has more than 100 contests at the state and national events in which students can compete, including 3D Visualization and Animation, Electrical Construction Wiring, and Welding.

Sydney McQuade, of Orange Grove, is looking forward to returning to the Coastal Bend to compete in the Baking and Pastry Arts contest. Orange Grove is less than 45 minutes from Corpus Christi.

“I am excited to show my family what I have been working for,” she said.

McQuade, a fourth-semester Culinary Arts student, said she chose to compete to gain more confidence in the kitchen. She practices twice a week with timed baking sessions at the on-campus Greta W. Watson Culinary Arts Center. One of the hardest tasks she has faced is decorating a cake.

“Most of it is trying to make sure I don’t rush too much,” McQuade said.

She recently helped judge the Baking and Pastry Arts contests for the SkillsUSA Texas District 5 and District 6 secondary contests held at TSTC’s Waco campus.

“I really enjoyed seeing the passion with a lot of people enjoying baking,” McQuade said.

Jonathan Gann, of Round Rock, will participate in the Plumbing contest. Gann is in his fifth semester in the Plumbing and Pipefitting Technology program.

Gann is preparing for his contest by doing lab work in class and through his job. He said he is eager to show what he has learned at TSTC.

“It’s a great opportunity to add to my resume for future endeavors,” he said.

Gann said he learned about SkillsUSA from Miguel Reyes, a former state and national Plumbing medalist and TSTC graduate. The two once worked together at a local plumbing company.

“You see the amount of respect and how far it gets you having that behind your back,” Gann said.

Michael Lopez, of Princeton, Texas, is in his second semester in the Building Construction Technology program. He will compete in TeamWorks, in which a four-member group takes part in a two-day construction contest. Lopez will work with masonry and assist with framing.

Lopez is working with other construction students on Fridays to do timed practices ahead of the state competition. He said the keys to a good build are confidence, focus and teamwork.

“We get the kinks out and try to get done as fast and efficiently as possible,” he said.

Students winning gold medals at the state level are qualified to participate in the 2025 SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference being held June 23-27 in Atlanta, Georgia.

For more information on SkillsUSA Texas, go to skillsusatx.org.

For more information on TSTC, go to tstc.edu


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