two men in tshirts talking

(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Three Texas State Technical College Wind Energy Technology students appreciate the support they received from a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame band.

“I love Metallica and all they have done,” Logan Ham, of Sweetwater, said after learning he received a scholarship through the Metallica Scholars Initiative (MSI).

Launched in 2019 by All Within My Hands, in partnership with the American Association of Community Colleges, MSI began its scholarship program with 10 colleges and primarily manufacturing programs. MSI offers diverse workforce opportunities for students interested in gaining the skills and training necessary to find meaningful and well-paying careers. Now in its sixth year, MSI has a presence in 60 colleges across all 50 states and in the territory of Guam.

“I am really glad they set up this foundation to give people an opportunity to have their schooling funded,” Ham said.

Juan Lopez, of Colorado City, said he remembers listening to Metallica during high school football practice.

“Their music was great,” he said. “I am surprised the band wants to help students like me begin a career.”

“I am a big rock guy, so this is amazing,” John Avery, of Barnhart, said. “The reason I applied is because I am a big fan of the band. I can now say that I am a Metallica Scholar.”

The three students are in their second semester of the Wind Energy Technology program. They enrolled because of the job potential in Texas.

“The wind turbines have been popping up around my house, and I knew it was going to be a successful career choice,” Avery said.

According to, the need for wind turbine service technicians in Texas was forecast to increase 102% from 2020 to 2030. The average annual salary for a technician in Texas is $59,290, according to the website.

TSTC’s Wind Energy Technology program offers an Associate of Applied Science degree and a certificate of completion at the Harlingen and Sweetwater campuses.

To learn more about TSTC, visit

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