Architectural Design & Engineering Technology CER2

Program ID: 
Months To Complete: 

Available at Online - TSTC Connect, Waco, Harlingen, Marshall, North Texas

Architectural Design & Engineering Technology CER2 Credits:
Semester 1Credits
Complete the following
DFTG1309Basic Computer-Aided Drafting3
Complete at least 3 credits from the following
SRVY1341Land Surveying3
DFTG1325Blueprint Reading and Sketching3
Complete at least 3 credits from the following
DFTG1345Parametric Modeling and Design3
ENGR1304Engineering Graphics I (3 Sch version)3
Semester Total 9
Semester 2Credits
Complete the following
ARCE1321Architectural Illustration3
DFTG1333Mechanical Drafting3
DFTG1330Civil Drafting 13
Semester Total 9
Semester 3Credits
Complete the following
DFTG2302Machine Drafting3
DFTG1317Architectural Drafting - Residential3
DFTG2321Topographical Drafting3
Semester Total 9
Semester 4Credits
Complete the following
DFTG2328Architectural Drafting - Commercial3
DFTG2335Advanced Technologies in Mechanical Design and Drafting3
DFTG1393Special Topics in Civil Drafting Civil Engineering CAD/CADD3
Semester Total 9
Degree Plan Credits 36
  • ENGR 1304 Prerequisite(s): MATH 1314
  • ARCE 1321 Prerequisite(s): DFTG 1309 (Prerequisite or Corequisite)
  • DFTG 1333, DFTG 1330 Prerequisite(s): DFTG 1309
  • DFTG 2302 Prerequisite(s): DFTG 1333
  • DFTG 1317 Prerequisite(s): ARCE 1321
  • DFTG 2321 Prerequisite(s): DFTG 1330
  • DFTG 2328 Prerequisite(s): DFTG 1317
  • DFTG 2335 Prerequisite(s): DFTG 2302
  • DFTG 1393 Prerequisite(s): DFTG 2321
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