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Computer Programming Technology - Software Developer CER2

Program ID: 
Months To Complete: 

Available at Online - TSTC Connect

Computer Programming Technology - Software Developer CER2 Credits:
Semester 1Credits
Complete the following
ITSE1302Computer Programming3
ITSE1311Beginning Web Programming3
ITSE2309Database Programming3
Semester Total 9
Semester 2Credits
Complete the following
ITSE2302Intermediate Web Programming3
ITSE2317Java Programming3
INEW2338Advanced Java Programming3
Semester Total 9
Semester 3Credits
Complete the following
IMED1371Ui/Ux Design3
ITSE1333Mobile Applications Development3
ITSE2343Advanced Mobile Programming3
Semester Total 9
Semester 4Credits
Complete the following
ITSE2333Implementing a Database on Microsoft SQL Server3
Complete at least 3 credits from the following
ITSE1330Introduction to C# Programming3
ITSE1373Intro to Python3
Complete at least 3 credits from the following
ITSE2353Advanced C# Programming3
ITSE2373Advanced Python3
Semester Total 9
Degree Plan Credits 36
  • ITSE 2302 Prerequisite(s): ITSE 1311
  • ITSE 2317 Prerequisite(s): ITSE 1302
  • INEW 2338, ITSE 1333 Prerequisite(s): ITSE 2317
  • ITSE 2343 Prerequisite(s): ITSE 1333
  • ITSE 1330, ITSE 1373 Prerequisite(s): INEW 2338
  • ITSE 2333 Prerequisite(s): ITSE 2309
  • ITSE 2353 Prerequisite(s): ITSE 1330
  • ITSE 2373 Prerequisite(s): ITSE 1373
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