WEATHER ALERT Please see for information.

General Academic - Core Curriculum Completion

Program ID: 
Months To Complete: 

Available at Harlingen

General Academic - Core Curriculum Completion Credits:
Semester 1Credits
Complete the following
ENGL1301Composition I3
GOVT2305Federal Government (Federal constitution & topics)3
ACGM3CARCreative Arts Elective3
ACGM3CAOBComponent Area Option3
Semester Total 12
Semester 2Credits
Complete the following
ENGL1302Composition II3
GOVT2306Texas Government (Texas constitution & topics)3
HIST1301United States History I3
ACGM3LPSLife and Physical Science Elective3
ACGM3CAOAComponent Area Option A3
Semester Total 15
Semester 3Credits
Complete the following
ACGM3LPSLife and Physical Science Elective3
HIST1302United States History II3
ACGM3MTHGen Ed Mathematics Elective3
ACGM3LPCLanguage, Philosophy and Culture Elective3
ACGM3SBSGen Ed Social/Behavioral Science Elective3
Semester Total 15
Degree Plan Credits 42
  • ENGL 1302 Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1301
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