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Occupational Safety & Environmental Compliance Technology - Environmental Compliance CER1

Program ID: 
Months To Complete: 

Available at Abilene, Fort Bend County, Waco

Occupational Safety & Environmental Compliance Technology - Environmental Compliance CER1 Credits:
Semester 1Credits
Complete the following
EPCT1243Treatment, Remediation, and Disposal Techniques2
EPCT1205Environmental Regulations Overview2
OSHT1305OSHA Regulations - Construction Industry3
EPCT2337Site Assessment3
OSHT2401OSHA Regulations - General Industry4
Semester Total 14
Semester 2Credits
Complete the following
EPCT2331Industrial Hygiene Applications3
EPCT1344Environmental Sampling and Analysis3
EPCT1301Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) Training and Related Topics3
OSHT2320Safety Training Presentation Techniques3
Semester Total 12
Degree Plan Credits 26
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