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Web Design & Development AAS

Program ID: 
Months To Complete: 

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Web Design & Development AAS Credits:
Semester 1Credits
Complete the following
IMED1371Ui/Ux Design3
ITSE1311Beginning Web Programming3
IMED1316Web Design I3
Complete at least 3 credits from the following
ENGL1301Composition I3
ENGL2311Technical & Business Writing3
Semester Total 12
Semester 2Credits
Complete the following
ITSE2313Web Authoring3
IMED2315Web Design II3
ITSE2302Intermediate Web Programming3
ACGM3MTHGen Ed Mathematics Elective3
Semester Total 12
Semester 3Credits
Complete the following
ITSE1303Introduction to MySQL3
ITSE1306PHP Programming3
IMED2349Internet Server Management3
ACGM3GEDGen Ed Elective3
Semester Total 12
Semester 4Credits
Complete the following
IMED2309Internet Commerce3
IMED2345Interactive Digital Media II3
IMED2313Project Analysis and Design3
ACGM3SBSGen Ed Social/Behavioral Science Elective3
Semester Total 12
Semester 5Credits
Complete the following
IMED2311Portfolio Development3
IMED2351Digital Media Programming3
IMED2388Internship - Digital Communication and Media/Multimedia3
ACGM3HFAGen Ed Humanities/Fine Arts Elective3
Semester Total 12
Degree Plan Credits 60
  • IMED 1316 Prerequisite(s): ARTC 1302 (Prerequisite or Corequisite) or ITSE 1311 (Prerequisite or Corequisite) or IMED 1371 (Prerequisite or Corequisite)
  • ITSE 2313, IMED 2315 Prerequisite(s): IMED 1316
  • ITSE 2302 Prerequisite(s): ITSE 1311
  • ITSE 1306 Prerequisite(s): ITSE 1303 (Prerequisite or Corequisite), ITSE 2302
  • IMED 2345, IMED 2351 Prerequisite(s): ITSE 2302
  • IMED 2311, IMED 2388 Prerequisite(s): ITSE 2313, IMED 2309, IMED 2315
  • IMED 2388 Prerequisite(s): ITSE 2313, IMED 2309, IMED 2315
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