TSTC in Harlingen will open on Monday, March 31, on a regular schedule.

Health Information Technology - Medical Office Specialist CER1

Program ID: 
Months To Complete: 

Available at Online - TSTC Connect

Health Information Technology - Medical Office Specialist CER1 Credits:
Semester 1Credits
Complete the following
HITT1301Health Data Content and Structure3
HPRS2302Medical Terminology for Allied Health3
MDCA1302Human Disease/Pathophysiology3
ITSC1309Integrated Software Applications I3
Semester Total 12
Semester 2Credits
Complete the following
HITT1253Legal and Ethical Aspects of Health Information2
HITT1311Health Information Systems3
HITT1342Ambulatory Coding3
HITT1341Coding and Classification Systems3
Semester Total 11
Degree Plan Credits 23
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