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(SWEETWATER, Texas) – Three Sweetwater High School graduates hope that more of their former classmates will take advantage of a new Texas State Technical College scholarship.

Each one of the three, who are now TSTC students, was awarded a $1,000 Hometown High School Opportunity Scholarship made available to 2024 graduates of the Abilene, Breckenridge, Brownwood and Sweetwater school districts who enroll at a TSTC campus in West Texas. 

Derek Arenivaz, a current Welding Technology student, said future Sweetwater High School graduates should remember to look at TSTC for an education.

“Everybody should take advantage of this scholarship opportunity,” he said. “It has helped me so much, and I can stay close to home to attend college.”

Javier Vazquez, who is also studying Welding Technology, said he hopes that TSTC will expand the reach of the scholarship so more people can study at the college.

“I want people to give TSTC a chance because there are so many programs you can do,” he said. “The more people that have the chance to receive a Hometown High School Opportunity Scholarship, the better people will be trained.”

Logan Ham, a Wind Energy Technology student, agreed that the variety of programs offered at TSTC is the reason he chose to attend. He has simple advice for future college applicants.

“Apply for as many scholarships as you can. I only applied for one, and I am grateful TSTC had this one available for me,” he said.

GaBrielle Mallet, associate provost of the Sweetwater campus, said offering the scholarship shows that TSTC cares about the community.

“We continue to show that we are working hand in hand with Sweetwater ISD to make sure their graduates have a place for a quality education that leads to a great-paying career,” she said. “Helping the students financially is just one way we can say that they will be part of the Sweetwater community and TSTC family for years to come.”

The three new scholarship recipients recently completed their first week of classes and are looking forward to more lab sessions in their respective programs.

“For me it is like playing with Lego sets,” Arenivaz said of why he chose to study welding. “It is easy and fun. I feel comfortable in the lab.”

Vazquez said the instructors are knowledgeable and know how to motivate the students.

“They make sure you are on top of all of your work and that you are trustworthy,” he said.

Ham chose to continue a family tradition of working in the wind energy industry. He said the Hometown High School Opportunity Scholarship did something to help his family.

“It was a scholarship waiting for me, which helped my family cut down on the costs to attend college,” he said. “That means a lot to me.”

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hometown wind 300x249 - Sweetwater High School graduates take advantage of new TSTC scholarship
Logan Ham (right), a TSTC Wind Energy Technology student, was awarded a $1,000 Hometown High School Opportunity Scholarship this semester. Also pictured with the ceremonial check is Cindy Hamlin, an enrollment coach who works with Wind Energy Technology students at the Sweetwater campus.
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