Students line up behind a white truck and under a white blow up archway

(ROSENBERG, Texas) – High school students from the Houston area and across the state of Texas came together at Texas State Technical College on Friday, Oct. 6, to participate in the Texas High School Welding Series competition.

Buses and vehicles displaying school names could be seen throughout the parking lot at TSTC’s Fort Bend County campus. TSTC instructors and competition officials guided the students to the check-in counter set up in the Welding Technology program’s lab.

This was the third year that TSTC had hosted the competition. The first year, those in charge of the welding competition knew that TSTC had the equipment and resources needed to host and had reached out to the college. TSTC responded affirmatively, more than willing to help out.

“I believe that we (the Fort Bend County campus) were the first TSTC campus to host the event,” said Jerroll Hodge, lead instructor of the Welding Technology program on campus. “I was more than happy to help host as an event like this raises the quality of students coming into not only this program, but the others as well.”

While TSTC provided the location and welding tools, the materials and prizes were donated by Coastal Welding Supply. Contestants were judged on the quality of their welds and how well they stayed within the guidelines under a time limit. Winners of the competition received new welding gear and tools.

Across the board, those with the means to do so came together to help the high school students become better welders and show off their skills.

“The need for welders is great,” Hodge said. “We want to encourage students to begin learning in high school because they become better prepared for college and ultimately for a job later in life. It’s a cause worth supporting.”


TSTC offers an Associate of Applied Science degree and several certificates of completion in Welding Technology, depending on campus location.

The program is part of TSTC’s Money-Back Guarantee, which refunds a participating graduate’s tuition if he or she has not found a job in their field within six months of graduation. For more information, visit

For more information about TSTC, go to

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