WEATHER ALERT Please see for information.


Our annual budget includes planned expenditures for the September 1 through August 31 fiscal year, as projected by Central Operations and the colleges. It is based upon available revenue from the legislative appropriations, tuition and fees, and other revenue sources.

These budgets are approved by the Board of Regents on or before September 1 of each calendar year.

Texas State Technical College's (TSTC) annual budget includes planned expenditures for the September 1 through August 31 fiscal year, as projected by Central Operations and the colleges, based upon available revenue from the legislative appropriations, tuition and fees, and other revenue sources. These budgets are approved by the Board of Regents on or before September 1 of each year.






Legislative, Financial and Budget Reports

Texas State Technical College’s (TSTC) annual budget includes planned expenditures for the September 1 through August 31 fiscal year, as projected by Central Operations and the colleges, based upon available revenue from the legislative appropriations, tuition and fees, and other revenue sources. These budgets are approved by the Board of Regents on or before September 1 of each year Calendar.

Legislative Requests

2026 & 2027

2024 & 2025

2022 & 2023

2018 & 2019

Texans work hard to earn every tax dollar they send to the state and local governments. The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts publishes information about how and where those dollars are spent.

Where the money goes

Check out these easy-to-use tools to track state government spending and most local government entities.

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